Hot Summer Arts, Bahamian Florida Day, and More Coming Your Way!


With leisure travel becoming more a standard part of everyone’s lifestyle, arts related tourism has been a significant beneficiary. Whether it is travel to France to visit the Louvre Museum in Paris, the Tadolini Museum in Rome or a day at a local art show or festival, art and cultural tourism keeps people on the move.

Nancy Turrell, CFRE, the executive director of The Arts Council, serving Stuart and Martin County, will be in the studio this week to talk art. When Radio Man heard about an Arts Council special event coming up soon called Hot Summer Arts - "Bahamian Florida Day" Island Market, he knew he had to ask Nancy to be on the show. In addition to what’s happening on the local Treasure Cost arts scene, Ms. Turrell will give us a look at what the arts organizations themselves are specifically doing to promote tourism in our Treasure coast region. Nancy is never at a loss for words, so fasten your seat belts. This should be fun.

The rest of the show will cover a variety of tourism related tidbits including:
  • 15 Ways Consumers Can Reduce Airfare Costs and Avoid Those Pesky Added Fees
  • 50 Americanisms or-How to NOT Sound Like an American When Overseas
  • Bahama Updates
  • History Lady’s Historical Cocktail Party Conversation Starters
  • And a whole lot more…. 
Tune in Friday (July 29) morning at 10 a.m. (WPSL 1590 AM or and take another virtual vacation, compliments of Talkin’ Tourism.


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