Sailing Lattitudes and Ineffective Traveler Attitudes


For a region noted for power boating and high performance sportfishing, it was a real eye opener to speak with two officials from the U.S. Sailing Center of Martin County, the executivie director Alan Jenkinson,  and chairman of the center's board of directors, Jim St. John. Since 1992, this Martin County facility has taught thousands the art and sport of sailing. Now, in a well-equipped facility at Indian Riverside Park in Jensen Beach, the U.S. Sailing Center is truly a top-notch facility. Alan and Jim both shared the center attracts many visitors, who travel to the Treasure Coast to participate in various regattas, special events and sailing classes. The sailing center is even producing world-class competitors! There are too many details to go into here on the blog, so if you missed the show, check out the archived show audio. After learning more about what the center does, you just may want to volunteer at this first-class and riverfront sailing center.

Jim St. John (who is also the president and CEO of Mantis Hospitality), Radio Man and History Lady had a great time reviewing Seven Habits of Highly Ineffective Travelers.

If you missed the show, here's Landloper's 'ineffective' list:

  1. Dream trip fantasies
  2. Mortgage your home
  3. Distrust new food
  4. Refuse to toleratre
  5. Thinking inside the box
  6. The world is your resort
  7. Stay home
Be sure to check out the Landlopers blog for more detailed and colorful explanations. As ridiculous as the habits may sound to most seasoned travelers, Radio Man, History Lady and Jim all shared some personal firsthand accounts of examples they have experienced during their careers in the travel and tourism industry. Hopefully you aren't an 'ineffective traveler' and will get as much of a chuckle out of the list as we did.

Those are just the highlights of our Friday, April 16 show. For the finer points, such as Bimini’s End of the World Bar reopening, St. Lucie Inlet updates, “this week in history," and more, download the show, pour your favorite beverage and take a mini-vacation on us. See you again this coming Friday!


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