Inlet in Peril and Home Sweet Home


John Smith listens in while Butch Bayle talks about his beautiful
marina, Sailfish Marina, and the services they offer.
It is always great getting a fresh start. Last Friday was our first show from our new home studio, Sailfish Marina in Stuart, Florida. To kick off the first show from our new location, Sailfish Marina owner and operator Butch Bayley welcomed the Talkin’ Tourism team and gave our listeners an overview of their beautiful marina, along with all of the services they provide to the boating community.

The key topic for this week, and one that we will revisit as developments occur, is the perilous condition of the St. Lucie Inlet and the efforts to determine a solution both short and long term for this important economic resource of our community. Launching the discussion this week was John Smith, president of the Marine Industries Association of the Treasure Coast and owner of River Forest Yachting Center. While certainly there are many differing opinions on the matter, John, Radio Man and History Lady were all in agreement that decisions need to be based on sound and factual information. Many comments made by observers may not in fact be accurate. This can lead to lots of needless emotion and concern on the issue. Despite some interesting thoughts on the best solution provided by some, there are many factors to be considered in the current inlet equation. We hope that you will follow us on this issue over the coming weeks as we seek to ensure that all of the facts are clear and the best decision is made for the long term solution. We would love to hear your thoughts. If you're inclined to share, please email them to us at

Who would have thought disasters could translate to boosts in tourism a particular attractions? If you missed the show, check it out HERE to learn which types of museums and locations around the U.S. have had a boost in attendance due to the recent disaster in Japan.

We hit the Top 15 Places Your Kids Should Visit before they Turn 15, and Robin had some interesting insight to our list based on experiences with her daughter Ashley. It wasn’t what Radio Man expected, that’s for sure!

Lastly, our second book review was interesting and a segment we look forward to building as time goes on. The 100th anniversary edition of John Muir’s My First Summer in the Sierra with accompanying photos by Scott Miller made a big impression on Gary. Again, if you listened to the show, you know how big of an impression. If you missed the show, you can catch Gary's review HERE.

Thanks for checking out the blog! We'll be broadcasting live from Melbourne Beach on Friday's show. Tune in for all the fun and infotainment!
