Live from Nanny Cay Resort and Marina in the British Virgin Islands


With a show guest list that included names like Tubes, Muffy, a girl named Sam, and a celebrity co-host named ManPot, you had to know from the start this was going to be a fun show, where anything could happen or be said “on the air.”  And, that is exactly what happened! 

With Malcolm Boyes co-hosting again (thanks Malcolm!), Radio Man got a run for his money. After the opening chit chat and catching up on what each other had done over the last week, including brilliant observations by Radio Man such as… “you know Malcolm, it’s so laid back here that the plants even grow slower than back in Florida" and Malcolm asking Gary "what is a pirate’s favorite vegetable?” (you will have to listen to the show to find out), the show really started to roll. 

As the hosting location for this week’s show, Nanny Cay Resort and Marina's Hospitality Manager Samantha “Sam” Lewis was up first.  Sam was excited to share with listeners all that the property has to offer, both the boating set and landlubbers looking for a great getaway. If you have children, this place is for you, with many activities for children and adults alike. 

Sam was particularly proud of the fact that occupancy this month is 70%, not bad by any standards for the low season. For more details about Nanny Cay check out the show and the photos of the guest rooms and public areas. Sam is truly a Hospitality Manager for there is truly nothing she or her staff will not do for their guests.

How about undersea adventures?  Michael “Muffy” Royle, co-owner of Blue Water Divers BVI, gave listeners a great overview of dive operations and shared information on his personal favorite dive sites.  From the wreck of the RMS Rhone, to The Caves and The Indians, Muffy explained that due to the configuration of the islands, there virtually is not one day where a trip would have to be canceled due to weather or sea condition. Amazing! There is always a sheltered/leeward spot to dive.  What was the Florida-BVI connection in this conversation? Muffy and Radio Man talk about it during the show.

Next, we went from under the sea to on the sea with Andrew “Tubes” Thompson, director of Horizon Yacht Charters.  Andrew was a riot (funny).  With his great British sense of humor, he talked about his company’s commitment to service and quality for his charter customers.  Horizon Yacht Charters now has locations in four areas of the Caribbean including Grenada/Grenadines, a place that is not foreign to Radio Man and PR Queen.  How many guests fit comfortably on a particular boat?  It depends.  Depends on “what” you may ask.  Well, believe it or not, it depends on nationality!  Andrew will describe the “math” in specific detail how this works and more. 

After a few Treasure Coast updates on things to do and places to go and fishing tournaments to participate in, the show drew to a close too quickly. Before we knew it, we were packing our gear and dismantling our “Caribbean Microphone Stands”.

If you missed the broadcast, download the Nanny Cay Tortola show here. And be sure to view the photo album below of Nanny Cay Resort, Marina and Boatyard, which also features photos of the show's guests! 

Talkin' Tourism WILL be back on the Treasure Coast this Friday (June 25), at least we think it will, that is if U.S. Airways doesn't strike!


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