Polo and Edu-tainment for Kids on Florida's Treasure Coast


The latest Talkin' Tourism on Florida's Treasure Coast started off with an impromptu annual board meeting called by show host and 'chairman' Gary Guertin. A quorum was present (that would be Gary and Robin). The audio files of the last 59 shows (aka 'minutes') were approved as submitted. Board member comments included, but were not limited to (1) Robin reporting on a great 'Field of Dreams' reception involving The Elliott Museum and (2) Gary announcing Harborage Yacht Club & Marina's partnership with the Sea Ray Owners Club. The 'financial report' indicated there is a growing need to seek show sponsors now that the show has a proven track-record after being on the air for over one year. With no further business to discuss, Robin motioned for adjournment.

Moving on to the topics of the day, Sean Clem, the director of marketing for Sunlight Saddle and Polo Club, was not at a loss of words. Sean described all of the equestrian-related activities going on at the converted 6,000-acre working ranch. Listeners who are polo enthusiasts might be aware of the many variations of polo that exist around the world, but Sean introduced one that left Gary and Robin speechless. If you're interested in learning how to play polo, Sean told listeners they don't need to have their own horse. Sunlight Saddle and Polo offers a complete package that will have you participating in the sport before you know it.

Next up were Tammy Calabria from the Children’s Museum of the Treasure Coast and Christina Wagner, director of education and exhibits at the Florida Oceanographic Coastal Center, to highlight fun educational activities for kids on the Treasure Coast. The kid activity “experts” shared the microphone with special 'kid correspondent,' Tommy Dolan, who is visiting the area from Maryland. Tommy  gave the 'kid's' perspective and as a home schooled student through the State of Maryland, Tommy shared he actually gets “snow days” here in Florida when his 'classmates' in Maryland get snowed in. Not a bad deal!

If you missed the show, you can download or listen to it HERE.


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